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Today’s Bittersweet Calendar Reminder

This morning my phone started sending off alerts, as it does all day long, to remind me of calendar events, especially this time of year when there is absolute chaos from turning student rentals.

I was saddened to see “Halifax Giving” as a reminder this morning.

No, I don’t hate giving; I wish we could give more, and more often. God loves a cheerful giver.

I was saddened because due to the recent rash of theft and vandalism to our properties, Halifax has had to count replacing the items lost as our “giving” for this quarter.

We had to sit back and say, “If they needed it that bad, we are happy they now have it. But we have to replace these items so we can keep doing business, therefor we will replace these items and call the lost ones donations.”

It is with great joy we give; whether to those in need, or to those in dire situations – doing what they must to survive. We only wish we knew who you were so we could try to help you in other ways that don’t put you at risk of going to jail, harming others, harming small business: and by showing you that working for it will bring you greater joy than taking it.

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